Algona Davenport [42171] 21998
- Født: 10 Aug. 1905, Alta, Buena Vista County, Iowa, United States
- Død: 30 Aug. 1907, Alta, Buena Vista County, Iowa, United States i en alder af 2 år
- Begravet: 5 Sep. 1907, Woodlawn Cemetery, Alta, Buena Vista County, Iowa, United States
Alta Advertiser(newspaper) Death of Little Algona Davenport--Algona, the little two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Z. Davenport died at his home in the addition last Saturday morning from summer complaint. The little fellow has been ill for a long time but last week appeared to be a little better. On Friday night he began to fail and passed away quickly. The bereaved parents are heartbroken over the loss of their little one and have the sympathy of their many friends. The funeral was held on Sunday from the Presbyterian church, Rev. J. J. DePree conducting the service.
Burial: Woodlawn Cemetery Alta Buena Vista County Iowa, USA