pil pil
Jens Petersen Sixhøj [42307]
Karen Pedersen [42308]
Peter Christian Petersen [42429]
Karen Trine Andersen Kaae [42430]
Carl Ferdinand Petersen [43065]



1. Emma Jean Henning [43064]

Carl Ferdinand Petersen [43065]

  • Født: 8 Mar. 1892, Marquette, Hamilton County, Nebraska, United States
  • Dåb: 17 Apr. 1892, United States
  • Ægteskab (1): Emma Jean Henning [43064] den 1 Nov. 1925 i Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado, United States
  • Død: 16 Jan. 1954, Lindon, Utah County, Utah, United States i en alder af 61 år
  • Begravet: 21 Jan. 1954, Orem, Utah County, Utah, United States

punkttegn   Dødsårsag: heart attack while helping to fight fire in barn.

punkttegn   Et andet navn for Carl var Pete Petersen.

punkttegn   FamilySearch #: KWCV-HJS.


punkttegn  Notater:

result for the rest of his life. Because of these health problems Carl spent quite a bit of time in the Veterans Hosital in Cheyenne, WY before the family made a move to Utah hoping his health would be better there. The family moved to Utah in 1946-47. Since his wife did not drive, there were many times we did not see dad during the week but would walk in knee deep snow from home to the hospital (1/2 - mile) to visit on week ends. I cannot recall dad ever doing much disciplining. This was left up to mother. Dad was a quiet person who didn't get upset too easily.
Dad's life came to an end one day in Lindon, UT while he was helpinig fight a barn fire at a neighbors farm. He had a heart attack and death was almost instant. Dad didn't smoke or drink until the last few years of his life when he would ask one of the boys to buy him a pint of whiskey. He would then fill a water glass half full, go sit in the rocker and drink it right down. This didn't happen very often but he claimed it was good for him. He was pretty close to being bald but still had about a half dozen rather long hairs across the top of his had which he combed by taking the wash cloth and wiping across the top of his head which served as the comb.
(Written by Velma P. Walker, daughter.)

There are two Temple Sealing dates: 19Aug1982, Washington and 29Oct1987, Provo


Carl blev gift med Emma Jean Henning [43064] [MRIN: 15480] den 1 Nov. 1925 i Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado, United States. (Emma Jean Henning [43064] blev født den 4 Aug. 1901 i Butler, Custer County, Oklahoma, United States, dåb den 16 Mar. 1902, døde den 14 Jan. 1973 i American Fork, Utah County, Utah, United States og blev begravet den 17 Jan. 1973 i Orem Cemetery, Orem, Utah County, Utah, United States.). Årsagen til hendes død var ovarian cancer.

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